
Provides relief for a variety of common feminine hygiene problems.

Here are a few herbs known to be included in yoni steams:
-chamomile: reduce inflammation,cleansing.
-calendula: heals tears, reduce inflammation, cleansing
-yarrow: astringent, promotes healing,regulate menstrual
flow, heavy cycles,toning.
-mugwort: ease cramping, regulates hormones, anti microbial.
-basil: reduce painful menstruation, helps with bringing on menstruation.
-mullein: cleansing, aids in reducing cysts, alleviates dryness

Yoni Steam Directions

1. Bring water to a low boil.

2. Turn off heat and allow herbs to steep for 10 - 15 minutes.

3. Transfer herbal water to a pot or Yoni Steam Seat. NOT PLASTIC!

4. Remove clothing from the waist down and enjoy your steam!

*You should feel a warm, rolling heat for about 10 - 15 minutes.

*Steaming is not recommended during the menstrual cycle, while pregnant or while using an IUD (Intrauterine device)